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  1. Richard320

    Just for looks

    Go buy a few bags of sand at Home Depot and stack them against the tailgate. That'll level it.
  2. Richard320

    Wheel well liners

    I bought mine from the local dealer. The markup was less than the shipping if I ordered online.
  3. Richard320

    Here is how to block absolutely any user on this forum

    What's wrong with the "Ignore" feature? Just hover over the name, wait for the popup, then slide the cursor down and click Ignore. No software update needed.
  4. Richard320

    Low on horn fluid!

    I'd take this as a sign that it is time to look for an ultra-loud aftermarket horn.
  5. Richard320

    1500s didn't make the list

    It did when I posted it. Looks like they deleted it.
  6. Richard320

    1500s didn't make the list

    But 2500s did. Go figure. https://notthebee.com/article/study-shows-the-cars-most-likely-to-be-ticketed-for-a-dui-and-one-car-is-twice-as-likely-as-the-national-average
  7. Richard320

    towing capacities

    Gearing. Period.
  8. Richard320

    Badges Removed.

  9. Richard320

    eTorque and starting issue

    Twice in four years I've had the same thing. Hard brake pedal, no start. Extreme pushing on the brake got things to work and it was fine for months - even years - after. And I don't have eTorque I have no clue what it is, but it likely has nothing to do with the eTorque.
  10. Richard320

    Ram 1500 Electrical problem

    Dash lights may cure themselves if you are just patient. There are countless posts here about dash lights after battery disconnect/replacement. So it's too early to panic about that. If you have power and the bulbs are good, then I'd look for a bad ground. Forget the fuses - grab a voltmeter...
  11. Richard320

    How is it that some dealers still have new 2022's on the lot?

    This got me curious, so I looked within 25 miles. There's only 4. I picked one to randomly check. 4X4 with skid plates, floor mats, trailer mirrors, trailer brakes, bed utility group. And the V6. They're gonna end up warrantying the battery before it sells. Another one that I am surprised...
  12. Richard320

    NSFW Funny Pics and MEMES Thread - no nudity - PICS AND MEMES ONLY

    This may not go over well here, but I can't resist
  13. Richard320

    Compressor/Air tank

    I would put a relay that is triggered by a pressure switch. Battery feed to the load, run feed to the trigger.
  14. Richard320

    Tow/Haul Mode equals SPORT Mode(?!)

    I haven't noticed it locking out 8th gear, but it does disable MDS. It also downshifts to hold speed when you have your foot off the pedal on downgrades. I use Tow/haul often.
  15. Richard320

    2WD, 4WD low/high and auto

    Auto if there's a chance I might need the extra traction. Where I live, that means rain or a chance there's ice on the road. High means I know I'll want the extra traction. Dirt roads or snow. So far the only time I've put it in low was to test that it works.
  16. Richard320

    2019 RAM 1500 won't start need help

    Go to the underhood fuse box and check all the nuts securing the cables along the side. I know there are a couple threads bout this, but the search box isn't working for me. Several people have found them loose, and at least one has had a nut completely come off and disappear.
  17. Richard320

    Funny Memes and Funny Pictures 2.0 - NO POLITICS Find the other thread

    That's Luke Perry. He was a teen idol on Beverly Hills 90210.
  18. Richard320

    Location of my horns

    Not a very good picture, and I wouldn't disconnect the battery myself, but here...
  19. Richard320

    MDS confusion

    Until I went into UConnect and set it to display the ECO light, the only way I knew my MDS was engaged was by watching the instant fuel economy. It goes in and out very smoothly.