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  1. Richard320

    Pain in the butt safety stuff

    So true. I rode in a charter bus a couple weeks ago. We sat high enough that I could look down into semi trucks. 5 PM bumper-to-bumper traffic on the Long Beach Freeway and a guy pulling a container is texting! Probably 10% of the people driving past us were texting.
  2. Richard320

    Pain in the butt safety stuff

    My driveway is sloped, and I quickly tired of the brakes slamming on when I backed out. I shut that thing off years ago and never miss it. As long as you're in the mood to lose the nonsense features, go buy yourself one of these seatbelt extenders that is nothing more than a buckle and a tab...
  3. Richard320

    Hemi eTorque - Dead as a doornail (Battery under warranty?)

    The 48V system does charge the 12V system, but the 12V system is what controls it. So if the 12V battery is dead, so are all the various computers - engine, transmission, AC, eTorque, door locks, everything. 2½ years is a little premature for the battery to die, but not unheard of nor especially...
  4. Richard320

    Light wiring question

    Is it a T harness, with a male and female pair plus a lengthy lead coming off it? If so, it plugs into the rear of the trailer socket.
  5. Richard320

    DT vs DS bed diamensions

    Compare for yourself
  6. Richard320

    Uca torque specs

    Here ya go.
  7. Richard320

    2022 Ram A/C Recirculation Noise

    I think that's normal. When I switch to recirculate, it gets louder. It also seems to blow harder out the vents.
  8. Richard320

    Wheel weights

    They have to strip off the old weights before they can balance the new tires. I'm sure they'd be happy to scrub the residue off the inside of the wheels for a price, but don't expect them to do it as part of a standard balance.
  9. Richard320

    Fuel Range is way off

    That distance is based on the average mpg for a very short recent distance and the amount of fuel left. It doesn't matter if you zero everything at a fillup. I've started my truck at the gas station, zeroed everything, sat idling in the driveway waiting for a gap, accelerated hard out of there...
  10. Richard320

    Tune to pull a camper

    You'll probably get better responses over at Homepage - HD Rams. This is mostly about the 1500 DT pickups.
  11. Richard320

    Forum down?

    I thought that, too.
  12. Richard320

    AC has a foul smell.

    Yep, check cabin filter first. And see if things are wet. You can also set things up to blow in recirculate with the filter out and spray Lysol in the filter opening. That stinks, too, but different.
  13. Richard320

    Safety issue, need help

    Any one of your modules could be failing and shorting out the CAN BUS. That's the network that ties everything together, engine, trans, ABS, dash, pretty much everything. Short the wires together and nothing will talk to anything else. If it were my truck, I would first examine all the battery...
  14. Richard320

    Normal voltage?

    For eTorque, yes. Voltage on the 12v system is wacky. There are numerous threads about it.
  15. Richard320

    Seat Covers

    These still look good. Actually, they look better now than they did in these pictures. They've smoothed out. Carhartt Seat Covers
  16. Richard320

    2021 Hemi bouncing rpms when placed in drive

    Try cleaning the throttle body. As oil vapors and such build up on the throttle plate, it restricts air flow. The computer adjusts to compensate. You might just be in a spot right between steps. It cracks the throttle, but then it's too fast, so it closes a bit and now it's too low. Don't...
  17. Richard320

    Glovebox conversion part #

    2500s and up are over at Homepage - HD Rams
  18. Richard320

    Curt Harness 56584 Question

    You need one of these https://www.etrailer.com/Accessories-and-Parts/Pacer-Performance/PP20-702.html
  19. Richard320

    Changing Fuel Octane

    It probably will only take one drive cycle to adjust the base timing. Which is in general terms, a cold start, warm up to operating temperature, some idling, some steady cruising, and a deceleration. It won't rquire anything special on your part.
  20. Richard320

    Replaced spark plugs, nothing but problems.

    I'd look for a cracked, plugged, or pinched line to the MAP sensor for that code. The pedal position sensor is probably the one that started it all. It's inside, under the dash, on the pedal. Before you start replacing parts, double check that you didn't leave a ground connection loose on...