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  1. Edwards

    Hard-wire Dash Cam Install

    Found an earlier post with the RRF Hub on the back wall of the cab. How the heck is this thing creating this much interference to reach that far? https://5thgenrams.com/community/threads/key-fob-distance.6723/#post-96712 I'm going to try the cigarette lighter USB power in the meantime to see...
  2. Edwards

    Key FOB transmit range has suddenly decreased

    I'm having the same issue as described here: https://5thgenrams.com/community/threads/hard-wire-dash-cam-install.550/post-226974 This earlier post has the RF hub location on it (3rd attachement): https://5thgenrams.com/community/threads/key-fob-distance.6723/#post-96712
  3. Edwards

    Hard-wire Dash Cam Install

    Weird RF problem. I know I read another poster describing how the exterior push to lock feature basically didn't work after installing this. I have that problem now and a bigger one on top. Was driving yesterday when it popped up an alert that both front tires were at 0 pressure. I kept driving...
  4. Edwards

    Just in case anyone was wondering what it looks like behind our nice dashes...

    Wow. Any chance you could scope out the HVAC vents and ideally the blend doors while you have that kind of access? The AC crowd would love some close ups.
  5. Edwards

    Others Flashing Brights At Me

    Agreed. About a year ago while out of town, another 2019 Ram driver walked over to me as I pulled into the parking lot of a hotel and parked. He wanted to let me know that one of my fog lights was out. I was puzzled for a moment and then told him, "no, they work like that." I'm not sure he...
  6. Edwards

    Automatic side mirror tilt

    This may not help but I had the tilt feature on at first. Once I got used to the 360 camera setup I decided that far outperformed the tilting camera that I had on my last vehicle. I then turned off the tilting mirrors and have never missed them again.
  7. Edwards

    Update: DO NOT BUY RAM WITH RAMBOX - Warping and Alignment Issue with 2019 Rams

    303 only protects against UV damage, not thermal. UV damage will first show up as chalky, flaking, and cracking of plastic and eventually warping as the plastic weakens. As others have said, it is the thermal/design issue of the thinner (thus lighter and more fuel efficient) lid design that's...
  8. Edwards

    Rear vibration when bass hits or close rear door

    Recline the seats all the way. Then pull down the center console. Reach behind the driver's side seat near the top and you will feel/see the angled bracket against the cab rear wall that the seat latches to and slides on when reclining. On the seat back to the passenger's side of the catch is a...
  9. Edwards

    Update: DO NOT BUY RAM WITH RAMBOX - Warping and Alignment Issue with 2019 Rams

    I'd love to see some company come out with foam inserts designed for the RamBox to turn them into real coolers.
  10. Edwards

    Hard-wire Dash Cam Install

    I just installed mine today and had the HD tile sample ready to go but would up not using it. I did reverse the rear cable like you did so that the 90 degree end was at the rear but I just stuck the camera to the upper window frame without any sort of bracket. I wired it all up first to double...
  11. Edwards

    2019 Ram 1500 Bed Camera

    An easier solution would be to add a dual dash cam to your truck. You can then use the rear camera as your bed cam. You'd just need to use a separate screen (or cell phone) for that view. Great place to start would be this thread...
  12. Edwards

    Air conditioning performance

    Can you post the description on the work order or get any additional info from them? If we could get a clue on how to check ourselves, that would go a long way to making many happy owners. There has got to be a way to snake a camera into the system and lay eyes on this blend door.
  13. Edwards

    Does your Remote Tailgate Release fully open your tailgate?

    After hearing of someone who had tailgate damage due to it accidentally opening in the garage, I put a strip of foam on the inside of my garage door so that if it does ever happen, no damage will occur.
  14. Edwards

    2019 RAM 1500 hellwig swaybar

    Middle as well. Tried firmest hole for some time but rough roads made the rear end pop side to side a bit too harshly for me.
  15. Edwards

    Air conditioning Hack

    Not to mention that heat load on a truck has nothing to do with AC performance. A high performing AC system will take longer to cool off a hotter cab but total heat load to cool and AC efficiency (performance) should not be confused.
  16. Edwards

    Ez pass, toll card

    Since I've got the tinted windshield (clear but UV & IR blocking) I used the cell phone screen protectors. Just stick the EZ Tag to the finger side of the protector and then static cling it to the windshield. Works great and hasn't moved in well over a year. Did the same for the registration...
  17. Edwards

    Key Fob not recognized

    Do a search. There are several threads with a few solutions to try.
  18. Edwards

    Another stupid question...

    Another stupid answer - "if you read the manual..." you'll find that there is a fuse with two possible positions. Once for switched power and one for constant.
  19. Edwards

    13 months and ~13k miles with my Pentastar Longhorn...drivability review so far

    Wow, I'm a little surprised at your mileage. I would have thought the V6 would get a little better than that but I totally get the overmatched comment. There's been a few times I thought the Longhorn/Limited was a bit overmatched for the Hemi. I've got the eTorque and it's been a while since I...
  20. Edwards

    What comes with the Ram Box Cargo Management System?

    What happened was that on the DS model, the divider/extender and rails came with the RamBox option. For the DT models, Ram broke them apart into two offerings (RamBox and BUG) which also lowered the price for the RamBox. Many dealers did not take the time to learn about this change for '19 and...