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I suspect the reasoning was 1) you don't need two clocks displaying so close to each other, and 2) imagine the support calls that would ensue if they didn't match in the time displayed.
The dealer updated mine a while ago and it has operated virtually flawlessly since. I had the dual audio source playing together one time but could have been an AA issue.
No, sorry. It is ridiculously easy though. I think it's easier than through the headliner and it leaves less extra cable to have to do something with.
I put the 90* connector on the rear camera so I started there.
1. Run above C pillar plastic trim at headliner to front and then down to rear...
You need to check this other thread since we're figuring out that there are at least three hardware versions and they get different FW versions. I've never had an OTA update but am running 18.45.40 on the N0GL hardware...
I got the 6mm cable from Viofo and installed it along the rocker panel passenger side (instead of in the headliner). It has resolved my RF interference issues for both keyless entry and TPMS. The difference in the cable is very subtle but obviously others were having the same issue.
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A good way to check is to eyeball or measure the amount of drop or lift it does when opening the doors/tailgate. I'll bet it is nowhere near what a manual drop/lift achieves because it is just the automatic height adjustment due to cold nitrogen in the system. When the truck "wakes up"from you...
Looks like something rectangular got super hot right there. Like a cell phone overheated while charging. Just connect the three visible lines and you can see the pattern.
My guess would be that Ram has a new PCM firmware that was dropped out of cycle so it needed to be manually applied to trucks before releasing them from the factory. The window stickers are dynamically printed using codes and I'll bet whoever's in charge, if they care, didn't know this would...
In order:
1. RamBox
2. Cooled seats (it's Texas)
3. Air Suspension (I can rodeo off road and still fit in a parking garage - game changer)
4. Heated seats/steering wheel (it gets cold in Texas)
From that pic it looks like part of the block. If you are concerned you can spray it with some Extend. It's chemically bonds with rust to form a black surface that will not rust again.
Can you post a pic of what the back of it looks like? If we can see that maybe we can figure out if it's just not snapped on hard enough or if something else is wrong.
Should be basically flush. Mine is but I have the issue where if you push in on the leather just below that wood piece it squeaks. Of course the dealer duplicated it on another Limited in inventory and told me "it's normal, they all do that." When I suggested that "before the recall, every brake...
The new Android Auto wants to auto-run your choice of nav app. Since Waze is your default it auto runs it when you plug your phone in. This is an Android Auto "feature" and has nothing to do with UConnect. AFAIK the only other option would be Google maps. If I don't want nav (via AA) I just...
I did similar for all my kids. We helped them buy their first car which was always well used and they had to learn to check fluids, repair things, etc. I always told stories about learning to work on cars out of necessity and any more the only time they will/can do that is those early years...
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