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  1. F

    Changing Footwell LED

    You can start here--- https://5thgenrams.com/community/threads/colored-ambient-lighting-dash-and-doors.14274/ -=FM45=-
  2. F


    per the wiring ... pin 1 is ground, pin 2 is feed for the leds... on the non leds, pin 1 is feed and pin 2 is ground... -=FM45=-
  3. F


    On the premium LED Fogs... reverse the wires... same plug but wires need to be switched... -=FM45=-
  4. F

    What did you do to your Ram today???

    Yes... in the bed... I will be doing a pdf write-up with details and pics... it would look OEM if FCA had made it an option.. LOL -=FM45=-
  5. F

    What did you do to your Ram today???

    Added an extra 12 volts to the rear...
  6. F

    Changing Footwell LED

    I actually just did the exact opposite, Old to New style.. The old style is only a two pin style, so you would just use the black and yl/vl .. tape off the wt/gr.. You will loose the ambient light feature with this setup tho.. also you will have to replace connector and pins as they are not...
  7. F

    Adding passive entry

    Another shout out to Swifty on his leg work to even making this possible, Thanks Bud!! All my harnesses and accessory add-ons are finally being delivered, but slow going because of the present day situation. Not only am I adding passive entry, I am also installing OEM ambient lighting to each...
  8. F


    Alpha updated -- pc & droid -=FM45=-
  9. F

    AlfaOBD is re-posted on the alfa site... -=FM45=-
  10. F


    Digging thru some older files that I got on 4 different servers... I have to have an older version.. Stand-by... *** I just found --- pm for link -=FM45=-
  11. F


    I Believe was last version that didn't officially support DT and above... -=FM45=-
  12. F


    Gotcha-- my mistake... the offer stands for ANY member needing an older version for testing... pm away\ -=FM45=-
  13. F


    @Konrad... I have Alfa for pc if you want to try an older version... pm for link -=FM45=-
  14. F

    Adding passive entry

    Dude you are awesome!!! I need to buy you a COLD one.... -=FM45=-
  15. F

    Adding passive entry

    Again, YES, Thank you... -=FM45=-
  16. F

    Adding passive entry

    PM sent...
  17. F

    Been following the passive entry thread for a while, if you have a chance could you add me to...

    Been following the passive entry thread for a while, if you have a chance could you add me to the list... VIN 1C6SRFFT6KN736828 Also when you got time could you post or pm parts needed to complete project... If there is any cost to add my VIN on your end let me know and we will take proper...
  18. F

    3rd Party Remote Start

    More info...
  19. F

    3rd Party Remote Start

    Take a look at the Fashlogic piece for the Ram.. you can still retain the factory remote and if you need to be 'connected' you can do an add-on for your cell phone....
  20. F

    Has anybody added the factory intrusion alarm system?

    @ Blue-- I can offer my services... I am about 20 miles north of Boston... I can get ya all hooked up... Road trip.. :)