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  1. kapinallinen2

    Help! Wiring Harness Smoking.

    Sorry to say but an electrician would not stand a chance in hell diagnosing these vehicles.
  2. kapinallinen2

    Help! Wiring Harness Smoking.

    I plugged in "main powertrain harness" in alldatadiy, comes back with 182 hits. Would be interesting to know what functionality this "main harness" serves/connects to. Maybe the second or third time is a charm and the component causing the overload condition will manifest itself!
  3. kapinallinen2

    Axle nut

    36mm on my 2019 IIRC, doubt the shafts got redesigned so most likely the same on yours.
  4. kapinallinen2

    4wd selector back light flickering.

    That would be the RF hub. Way too common of a failure point when there is water intrusion in the back. The hub itself is not overly expensive, problem is that only a dealer can do the programming, so a hassle in my book.
  5. kapinallinen2

    Where are we all from

    Try scrolling down to "regional section"
  6. kapinallinen2

    4wd selector back light flickering.

    When it comes to video`s, you need to upload to you-tube, then post a link to it here.
  7. kapinallinen2

    Help! Wiring Harness Smoking.

    No. Everything is fused to the hilt or protected by the modules, not sure how that is even possible unless someone has altered something. Any idea what "main" wiring harness they want to replace?
  8. kapinallinen2

    2020 ram 1500 3.6 no crank no start have power but no start

    So, you have a new battery, is it fully charged? No crank could be caused by a myriad of different things. I would start by looking for an alternate ride to the appointment. Sort that out, then return to troubleshooting the truck.
  9. kapinallinen2

    Profile one: memorisation

    You might want to fill in the information about your truck details in your signature. Could make it more focused to get truck specific replies to your questions.
  10. kapinallinen2

    Remote start passenger seat heat

    Some of us are married...
  11. kapinallinen2

    Alert tailgate open

    My 2019 Rebel has it. Lights up in the EVIC.
  12. kapinallinen2

    Power Tailgate not opening

    From what I can tell looking at alldatadiy wiring diagram, there are 4 actuator motors. All driven by the "module-tailgate" Fused by the F30, controlled either by the BCM or the "switch- tailgate handle"
  13. kapinallinen2

    lost navigation

    I gave up on the nav. when it expired/failed. Went with WAZE and google, have not looked back. Not sure it that would be an option on the bigger screen units.
  14. kapinallinen2

    Questions - yep I feel like I know nothing about this subject

    Wife flew in from Finland for the holidays. She jumped in to the truck at the airport and immediately hit the heated seat switch.
  15. kapinallinen2

    Exhaust leak?

    My passenger side broke a stud. They will make a ticking sound when cold.
  16. kapinallinen2

    Maxpeeding air suspension

    Go to "towing" sub forum, ask there.
  17. kapinallinen2

    2020 Ram Limited Multi Function Tailgate Won’t Open

    It is in the tail gate. The rule used to be two thirds labor, looks like that has gone out the window.
  18. kapinallinen2

    2024 Rebel Moisture in headlights / warranty refusal

    That ever happens to my lights, I will drill two holes in the housings, then flow low pressure dry nitrogen in them to drive out any moisture and go after the leak with a tube of RTV.
  19. kapinallinen2

    air suspension reset after compressor replacement

    Do It Yourself Automotive Repair Information | ALLDATA DIY Not sure if it is available in Canada.