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  1. Mountain Whiskey

    Best Oil for Hemi "Tick"

    So was the engine oil temperature any different during any of the drives you took in different temperatures? If it was, take it in and get it fixed.
  2. Mountain Whiskey

    Help! Wiring Harness Smoking.

    Have them put the smoke back in the wire. It will be fine then.
  3. Mountain Whiskey

    Gas pedal vibration on acceleration

    Your trucks pedal is just just wired to a position sensor. There is nothing to make it vibrate any more than the floor pan/firewall it is hinged from.
  4. Mountain Whiskey

    Best Oil for Hemi "Tick"

    Have you looked at your oil temperature or coolant temperature? I know mine reads the same if it is 5 degrees outside or 95 degrees. It doesn't really change. Outside air temperature has little to do with the heat of air/gasoline mix burning in your motor.
  5. Mountain Whiskey

    Funny Memes and Funny Pictures 2.0 - NO POLITICS Find the other thread

    I found a few when renovating an old apartment a few years ago. They got lost as I let them go from the roof of 18 stories. Pretty cool to see them gliding out of sight!
  6. Mountain Whiskey

    NSFW Funny Pics and MEMES Thread - no nudity - PICS AND MEMES ONLY

    So if this guy is talking to "high level officials" and is actually "in the know" for this sort of thing, he would have a TS clearance. To release info related to that on TikTok..... well, if the neighbors noticed the suburbans and the guys in black suits hauling stuff out of his house in the...
  7. Mountain Whiskey

    NSFW Funny Pics and MEMES Thread - no nudity - PICS AND MEMES ONLY

    I'm not sure. Many that I have had to deal with would not be qualified.
  8. Mountain Whiskey

    12V Ride On Ram - Anyone got kids?

    Heck yea! Yank that little 12v and put a golf cart motor in it. Might need a lift to make room for wiring a few batteries in series. Make a cooler trailer for it and it would be a hit!
  9. Mountain Whiskey

    Funny Memes and Funny Pictures 2.0 - NO POLITICS Find the other thread

    Come on admit it. You all know you have done it! I 🤣
  10. Mountain Whiskey

    NSFW Funny Pics and MEMES Thread - no nudity - PICS AND MEMES ONLY

    I guess it is posted in the Off Topic section of a truck forum because it is off the topic of trucks... ?
  11. Mountain Whiskey

    NSFW Funny Pics and MEMES Thread - no nudity - PICS AND MEMES ONLY

    Makeup does make sense for her. Damn. I bet Kid Rock is just thanking God right now!
  12. Mountain Whiskey

    Stellantis CEO Resigns

    They should also make a 2 door Gladiator. Not everyone wants a soccer mom Jeep. While on the wish list, a 2 door Hellcat Wrangler!
  13. Mountain Whiskey

    NSFW Funny Pics and MEMES Thread - no nudity - PICS AND MEMES ONLY

    What about the unnamed militant group holding political prisoners hostage right here in DC?
  14. Mountain Whiskey

    NSFW Funny Pics and MEMES Thread - no nudity - PICS AND MEMES ONLY

    Why do all the memes show P Nut as a chipmunk instead of a squirrel?
  15. Mountain Whiskey

    NSFW Funny Pics and MEMES Thread - no nudity - PICS AND MEMES ONLY

    How the heck did vouchers for hotels run out for citizens and not for illegals that are in NYC?