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  1. C

    Squeak/chirp going over bumps

    So as expected, I went back to the dealership even with the backing of a Ram Cares case and representative (Scott was his name) and got the same song and dance. This time (so they say) they supposedly put some form of lubricant on the brake slider to try to help but it's just as noisy as ever...
  2. C

    Squeak/chirp going over bumps

    Opened a case with Ram Cares, have a new apppointment scheduled for Monday the 9th. The dealership I’m dealing with can only be described as a bunch of turds. They were honestly upset with me that I went to Ram to open a case after they told me they wouldn’t fix anything and that the noise was...
  3. C

    Squeak/chirp going over bumps

    Literally just got back from the dealership, as my 2020 Ram Rebel is doing the front brake chirping too. According to the service guy, the noise is coming from the brake slider, but its "normal"...I asked how in the world that could possibly be considered normal? Just gave me the usual reply...