Been meaning to post on this as I think I found a fix. RF hub wasn’t the issue. I replaced the can bus star connector located behind the panel to the left of the steering wheel. ~$70 fix you can do yourself. Just pull the pins out of the old one, one by one, and place into the new one. Haven’t had battery drain or electrical issues for 6 months now.
Had a daily parasitic battery drain. Dealership would test then recommend I replace a module. Replaced the rf hub, still drained, replaced the radio/screen, still draining, then they recommended a complete wiring harness replacement, which I didn’t do. My dash warning lights and cluster began lighting up like a Xmas tree, truck randomly responded to the key fob, and still draining the battery. When I tested the battery the source of draw was inconsistent. This led me to believe it’s a network connection issue and not specific modules causing the problem. Found a couple videos online that hinted at the same thing and from various Stellantis brands so I figured for $70 it was worth a try.
Before you go to the dealership,1.) watch the videos below, 2.) buy a cheap OBD reader and see what codes it throws (wish I did this sooner). If it has lots of lost comms codes I bet your looking at a network issue and not a module failing issue. Super easy to use and pairs to an app on your phone (links below). Either way you have documentation to push them to look into it. Mine was throwing tons of these codes when the dealership initially scanned it and they ignored them. I asked for the reports after their suggested module fixes did nothing, well other than costing me $1k, time, frustration, etc. , and began diagnosing myself. I’m not a mechanic, just someone who hates being taken advantage of. For $160 on the reader and replacement part you break even for what the dealership charges for one “diagnosis” fee.
Dealerships are not looking to diagnose a cure. They recommend bandaids for problems for the exact reason you stated…replacement of modules to make a ton of money on parts and labor. IMO, cars are engineered this way to ensure failures and retain incoming revenue from you after the sale.
Star Connector Can bus:
2017-2025 Mopar Connector Can Buss 68321746AA | Mopar Online Parts
OBD reader: