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Autel Scanner with Bypass


New Member
Feb 27, 2022
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Hey guys, looking at getting an autel scanner for some other vehicles in the family. For the RAM all i find is that you must carry the subscription and register for it to properly authenticate and bypass the security gateway. Does anyone know if you use a standard bypass cable like you would with ALFA if the subscription and such is required or will the tool just go by without checking for those?
Depends on what you are trying to do. The tool communicates with Autel servers for pretty much everything. I know for a fact that if you attempt any bidirectional control or programming with the Autel MaxiSys 9006TS, you will need:
1: An active Autel subscription. ($500ish per year depending where you purchase)
2: A security gateway bypass cable.
3: An active AutoAuth subscription that is married to your scanner. ($50ish per year) This is the part that Autel doesn't tell you about. While it's not a deal breaker, it's annoying. I let my Autel subscription expire while AutoAuth was still current....and couldn't do much of anything.

Fun fact, if your Autel subscription expires and your AutoAuth is still current, you lose bidirectional control as the commands need to pass thru Autel's servers.

I still have my Autel scanner, but the Autel software subscription has now expired. If there is something in particular that you'd like for me to see if it will do, shoot me a message and I'll give it a whirl. My work schedule is a lil weird so might take me a day or two.
Thanks thats good to know I am not doing anything to crazy the 808 is 100ish a yr for the sub so its not too bad.
Sorry to comment on this thread after several years but I have a couple of questions please. My friend has a repair shop and has an Autel Maxisys Elite scanner and a subscription to Auto Auth and I want to see if that set up would allow me to program the BCM to recognize some upgrades to my 2019 RAM 1500. so… 1.) Not arguing just looking for clarification please. I thought having a subscription to Auto Auth for the FCM vehicles meant that you didn’t need a separate cable to connect the Autel scanner directly into the security gateway module but only had to plug directly into the OBDII port? Please clarify 2.) if I want to make upgrades to certain features on my RAM 1500 like adding bed lights, a bright smart mirror (auto on/off high beams) or program a replacement key (that has the auto open tailgate button) and have the proper hardware for these features can I get the vehicle to recognize and operate these upgrades by programming the BCM, etc. with an Autel scanner and a subscription to Auto Auth? Thank you for your reply.
Sorry to comment on this thread after several years but I have a couple of questions please. My friend has a repair shop and has an Autel Maxisys Elite scanner and a subscription to Auto Auth and I want to see if that set up would allow me to program the BCM to recognize some upgrades to my 2019 RAM 1500. so… 1.) Not arguing just looking for clarification please. I thought having a subscription to Auto Auth for the FCM vehicles meant that you didn’t need a separate cable to connect the Autel scanner directly into the security gateway module but only had to plug directly into the OBDII port? Please clarify 2.) if I want to make upgrades to certain features on my RAM 1500 like adding bed lights, a bright smart mirror (auto on/off high beams) or program a replacement key (that has the auto open tailgate button) and have the proper hardware for these features can I get the vehicle to recognize and operate these upgrades by programming the BCM, etc. with an Autel scanner and a subscription to Auto Auth? Thank you for your reply.

Hopefully someone that has an Elite tool can chime in however......

I cannot speak for the Elite model of the tool, but I'm certain the Autel Maxisys MS906TS does not offer any module configuration with 2018 and newer FCA vehicles due to the security gateway regardless if Auto Auth is used ir not. You must use the security bypass cable regardless unless you have a gateway bypass module installed. There were lots of things I could do with other manufactureres with the Autel, but not ol trusty Chrysler as far as programming changes go.

You're much better off using AlphaObd for things like that.
Hopefully someone that has an Elite tool can chime in however......

I cannot speak for the Elite model of the tool, but I'm certain the Autel Maxisys MS906TS does not offer any module configuration with 2018 and newer FCA vehicles due to the security gateway regardless if Auto Auth is used ir not. You must use the security bypass cable regardless unless you have a gateway bypass module installed. There were lots of things I could do with other manufactureres with the Autel, but not ol trusty Chrysler as far as programming changes go.

You're much better off using AlphaObd for things like that.
Thank you so very much for your reply. I definitely understand what you mean about dealing with the 5th generation RAM security gateway module to get access to the BCM.

So, is it only a matter of needing the security gateway module by pass cable (“y” shaped with OBD port on one end and two plugs on the other end to go into the security gateway module on my 2019 Ram 1500), to plug the scanner into to get the Autel Maxisys scanner with the auto Auth subscription to program/activate those upgrades or is the Scanner itself, no matter what cables I use to bypass the security gateway module, just not capable of programming/activating those upgrades I listed above?

Thanks again.
I do not believe the Autel is capable performing those types of changes. If that were the case, everybody would be talking about it. I may be wrong as I have gotten away from automotive for several years ago now. Tools update all of the time. The model I have is just a click or two below the one your friend has. Both very solid scan tools though.

To make changes to the nature of the ones you’d like to perform to your truck, You’re better off going the AlfaObd app route and getting the necessary “Y” bypass cable to connect your interface of choice to your vehicles PCM. It’s tried and true.
I do not believe the Autel is capable performing those types of changes. If that were the case, everybody would be talking about it. I may be wrong as I have gotten away from automotive for several years ago now. Tools update all of the time. The model I have is just a click or two below the one your friend has. Both very solid scan tools though.

To make changes to the nature of the ones you’d like to perform to your truck, You’re better off going the AlfaObd app route and getting the necessary “Y” bypass cable to connect your interface of choice to your vehicles PCM. It’s tried and true.
Ratchet, thank you again and so very much for the fast follow-up. I will definitely look into the AlphaOBD application. What OBD interface module would you recommend to communicate with the AlphaOBD app.? Also, any thoughts on the alphaOBD app versus the Jscan app for programming. I have an android tablet as well as an iPhone so I think I am covered for operating system options.

And again, thank you very much.
Apple can be a little funny when you throw in vehicle hacks. I personally prefer a windows pc(surface pro is my current interface). I have the gateway bypass to obd cable. Then a OBD to USB cable that connects it all hardline to the computer.

The Android guys like their Android interfaces because it’s super convenient and does exactly what they need it to do. All interfaces offer the same programming options give or take a few from what I’ve seen. Interface is all you. Either way, get a big screen device so you don’t screw up and hit something you misread or all hell will unleash and you will have to deliver the forbidden honey to the dealer.
Wow. Again, big thanks for your answers and patience answering all my questions. I also have a Microsoft based laptop that I can use so... what brand of cable would you recommend to connect the OBD port on the bypass cable to the USB port on my laptop. I'm thinking a hardline set up like you run would be more reliable than using a bluetooth dongle on the OBD port of the bypass cable to communicate with my laptop. And finally (for tonight at least) one last question. Is AlfaOBD intuitive to use for the types of upgrade programming I want to do or is there a tutorial from AlfaOBD for those things or do I just have to ask around these forums for the proper procedure(s) to do those upgrades using AlfaOBD.

Thank you
I’ll have to go out in the morning and look which one I have. It’s been a min since I’ve needed to use it. There is a preferred adapter page within Alfa’s website. That’s all I have right now unfortunately. There’s also a huge all things Alfa thread on here regarding known changes and various how to’s. Tons on info. I’d recommend reading thru that and pick a few different vehicle config options to read. Such as delete fog dropout, or enabling trailer/towing options. Make sure you are able to understand and are also comfortable making those changes or knowing someone who can. Take screenshots before you make changes.
Sorry to comment on this thread after several years but I have a couple of questions please. My friend has a repair shop and has an Autel Maxisys Elite scanner and a subscription to Auto Auth and I want to see if that set up would allow me to program the BCM to recognize some upgrades to my 2019 RAM 1500. so… 1.) Not arguing just looking for clarification please. I thought having a subscription to Auto Auth for the FCM vehicles meant that you didn’t need a separate cable to connect the Autel scanner directly into the security gateway module but only had to plug directly into the OBDII port? Please clarify 2.) if I want to make upgrades to certain features on my RAM 1500 like adding bed lights, a bright smart mirror (auto on/off high beams) or program a replacement key (that has the auto open tailgate button) and have the proper hardware for these features can I get the vehicle to recognize and operate these upgrades by programming the BCM, etc. with an Autel scanner and a subscription to Auto Auth? Thank you for your reply.
Use AlphaObd for things like that.

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