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Recent content by obrien

  1. obrien

    How much weight can closed tailgate support?

    Well I don't really have one example as I use my truck to just get materials for my projects. Like last time I haul 5 sheets of 3/4 inch plywood or tomorrow I am gonna bring some rectangular tubing. Especially with the steel it is easy to go into 100s lbs pretty quick so I wanted to make sure...
  2. obrien

    How much weight can closed tailgate support?

    Hi, I could not find it in manual nor here -> does anyone know much weight can I "rest" on closed tailgate? Assuming I am hauling something longer than my bed, it will be resting on closed tailgate and I want to make sure I won't overload it. I am asking for traditional tailgate, not...
  3. obrien


    Hi my friend litter his 2019 laramie and now the rear camera parking lines are slightly off. Can that be corrected by Alpha OBD? Anyone with that problem?
  4. obrien

    Bed spray or bed cover?

    I would agree with everything you said would I not get a good reviews from several people who had it done there. And those are people who USE their trucks. Also this company has been around for a while... only time will tell but I can get two spray-in here for the price of one at dealership
  5. obrien

    Bed spray or bed cover?

    That is exactly what I did and works perfect. spray is a must, you will scratch you bed with rubber mat only, just matter of time. I frankly do not see any benefit of drop in over spray, the price different is not big
  6. obrien

    Bed spray or bed cover?

    $299 in Austin Tx. This vendor has a very good reputation here, being recomended to me by many users and local custom truck shop. The liner is done very well and I have no complains https://www.centraltexastruckcoatings.com/
  7. obrien

    Bed spray or bed cover?

    Definitely 100% spray. No comparison with mats. I have actually both -> spray for protection and rubber mat to provide grip so things do not slide. But the mat is very optional, while spray is must have. if you want it to last and actually use it as a truck, get spray in bedliner!
  8. obrien

    Rough Country wheel well liner install thread

    I left my fingernails there.. take a good gloves and indeed heat gun would be a big help. However I trust it more them factory ones, it is very rigid plastic which will not go anywhere. Again why wasn't it a standard? :)
  9. obrien

    New shift knob

    You are joking but it really does feel better. Les flimsy, giving sense of more quality or how to describe it. Anyway wife thinks I am an idiot for buying it lol
  10. obrien

    New shift knob

    T8 believe. I got the full kit for phone repairs today so I was able to swap it. It looks and feel so good I had to pre-order the radio buttons.
  11. obrien

    Under Seat Storage

    I got the same and I endorse it. Durable, big and almost invisible when seats are down.
  12. obrien

    Hellwig Sway Bar Purchase$$$$

    again what a nice upgrade... Big chunk of cardboard fell from semi in front of me and I had to aggressively swerve going 80 mph. Truck was like glued to the road.
  13. obrien

    Bakflip mx4 vs lomax stance vs retrax. Best hard cover

    hey tell my why should I buy BAK Box, I need excuse to justify it. Is it rigid and good? happy with it? I regularly haul full sheets of plywood (4'x8') by rolling my MX4 and putting them all the way to the back and than rest them on tailgate. Would the box be in a way? (like in pic, but not my...
  14. obrien

    New shift knob

    dude, red accent on the dash and blue screws? :)