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Recent content by djwdjw

  1. djwdjw

    2021 Limited Tires - Michelin Defender 2 or CrossClimate 2

    I put on Crossclimate2 and am very happy so far. Quiet on the highway. I had the Defenders for 1 day one change ago and took them off @ Discount Tire because of highway noise and ran Michelin Premiers (way quieter) until they had no tread. I drive mostly city/highway. I have had very little...
  2. djwdjw

    Windshield Washers

    I used a similar clip tool/plier like this one from Amazon, only cheaper and it worked for (hopefully) the one time use to get the hood insulation clips off. Probably due to age and climate (heat) none of the clips could be re-used but Amazon also has those clips available inexpensively. Maybe...
  3. djwdjw

    Not receiving weather data, weather map, gas prices

    For 5 years, my 2019 Ram Limited has been getting weather data, weather map data, gas price data, etc. just fine and my internet and Sirius Guardian subscriptions are valid. About a month ago, the screens in the truck look like they are trying to obtain the data, but eventually respond "no...
  4. djwdjw

    Air conditioning Hack

    None so far. Going on year three (or is it four)? Comes off in the winter, back on in the summer.
  5. djwdjw


    Thank you both for your replies. I have been watching Comma for a while and at some point will make the leap. I just am not driving enough at present in locations where the lane centering Comma does with the existing OEM ACC function would add much for me (I gather it steers reasonably well...
  6. djwdjw


    Thanks @Trooper4 - Yeah I get the steer part (already following the discord a couple months back). Better phrasing my question "does Comma somehow improve on the OEM ACC function, or does it just use the OEM ACC?" I find the OEM ACC (if Comma just engages that as part of it's functionality)...
  7. djwdjw


    Been following this thread and have a question... Does comma improve somehow upon the factory ACC? I find the factory ACC is also like Trooper4's comment above, but not sure what it does differently. Thanks.
  8. djwdjw

    DASM won’t take calibration after windshield replacement

    No they drove it. Left them the key.
  9. djwdjw

    DASM won’t take calibration after windshield replacement

    I had my windshield replaced today at a Safelite shop with the OEM Mopar windshield that I checked before leaving. I chose not to wait around so IDK if they broke anything I can't see (where are these tabs anyway?). They charged the insurance co $594 for the windshield and $133 labor, probably...
  10. djwdjw

    SHOCKING: Meet The All-New Ram 1500 REV Battery-Electric Pickup!

    Given how well they did with my Limited (pretty good, imo), assuming they do as well with this, I'll probably go for one when I can get one as much off MSRP as the Limited was (which was a lot).
  11. djwdjw

    Windshield Cracks Again

    Interesting. I picked up what looks like a stress crack after sitting in the 105 degree Texas sun for a bit today. Not the first time in that temp, but definitely is a crack with no impact marks. Hmmm.
  12. djwdjw

    Aftermarket cellphone holders

    Yeah, I went wireless carplay a couple years ago and have been happy with the results. The phone stays in my pocket unless it needs a charge.
  13. djwdjw

    AGM or Lead Acid Battery

    My battery has been slow to crank also - pooping out at 3 years and 3 months. I went with the same Walmart H8 EverStart Platinum AGM. The old: The new: Fits fine:
  14. djwdjw

    Is your Dealership tracking your truck without your knowledge?

    That’s definitely the same gps tracker as the “apex” tracker grapevine ram put in my truck.
  15. djwdjw

    Get the Best Price on a Factory Extended Warranty

    I can't figure out how you got that Ziegler price. I just selected the base maxcare 8/85K/$200 detuctable with the promo code and I see $1555. Did you go for something different?