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Recent content by BobbyMSM

  1. BobbyMSM

    BCM backup config file and system id file needed

    Hi. Would anyone be able to send me a copy of your alfaobd bcm backup config file and log file? Specifically a truck with the alpine audio system with anc. I need to compare it against my truck files. Or alternatively just tell me what value is selected under the setting ECUConfig 3: Cabin...
  2. BobbyMSM

    New Big Horn!

    Welcome. Beautiful truck. I myself came from an even older gen Ram. These 5th gens are an impressive upgrade at any trim level.
  3. BobbyMSM

    Hello from MD

    Harford Co. north of Baltimore.
  4. BobbyMSM

    Hello from MD

    Finally saying hello. Ive been on the forums for little a while. Picked up a 21 Big Horn maximum steel last fall and joined the forums shortly after. The last Ram I had was a 2006 2500 Laramie. I just want to say thank you to all the members here that are contributing to the damage being done to...