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window sticker says 33gal tank, but I think i have 26g?


Active Member
Sep 20, 2022
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So I've had the truck a little over 2 months now. Still haven't hit 1k miles (I have a very short commute, but still drive it everyday)
I've been topping off before I hit a half tank. Yes, I'm one of those peoples.
So I havent realized until today when I drove into the gas station with '20 miles to empty' on the screen. Filled the tank and it stopped somewhere at 26.2G. Tried going 2 more times before it would click off instantly with the pump.
Previous rams I could get about a gallon more above the actual tank size, maybe keeping some in the airspace or possibly fill tube.
Either way, there's some missing space here...
whats the possibility I got a 26g tank instead of 33g?
I did not pay for the upgrade to 33g. I regretted it after my september order, but quickly found out because of my bed size it might come standard anyways, and the window sticker reflected the 33g size when it went into production so I was happy.
How can I tell what actually is in the truck?
Your build sheet says you have a 33 gallon tank. So does your window sticker. You have physically put more than 26 gallons in (and there’s a reserve amount that your truck won’t list in the remaining miles).
You’ve got a 33 gallon tank.
Your build sheet says you have a 33 gallon tank. So does your window sticker. You have physically put more than 26 gallons in (and there’s a reserve amount that your truck won’t list in the remaining miles).
You’ve got a 33 gallon tank.
thanks eighty. your opinion is enough for me
I ran mine below zero on the range with the needle below empty and still couldn’t get over 29.5 gallons. Must have a heck of a reserve or the fuel gage just isn’t accurate. Figure I have enough gas to go another 50 miles when it says I’m out.

On the bright side if you run out of gas with these trucks your really not paying attention and probably deserve to be stranded.
Technically, there’s not a “reserve”. It’s more along the lines of “the computer doesn’t calculate the true distance to empty correctly”.

I usually fill up when my tank shows 100 miles to empty. With a 33 gallon tank and getting 11.5 mpg, I should be averaging 24.3 gallons at fill up. But it’s usually a gallon or two less. So I figure it is holding out on me by a couple of gallons.

That, and the DTE calculator is just wonky to begin with. I sometimes drive 20 miles and have a larger DTE than when I started. But sometimes I’ll turn on my truck and find that I lost 50 miles of range overnight.
Technically, there’s not a “reserve”. It’s more along the lines of “the computer doesn’t calculate the true distance to empty correctly”.

I usually fill up when my tank shows 100 miles to empty. With a 33 gallon tank and getting 11.5 mpg, I should be averaging 24.3 gallons at fill up. But it’s usually a gallon or two less. So I figure it is holding out on me by a couple of gallons.

That, and the DTE calculator is just wonky to begin with. I sometimes drive 20 miles and have a larger DTE than when I started. But sometimes I’ll turn on my truck and find that I lost 50 miles of range overnight.
kinda jealous. i get 12mpg average with the 5.7, and you have a TRX.. (both prior 5.7 rams i got the same average MPG also)
Probably has to do with me idling with remote start for my 5 minute commute :confused:
26 gallon owner here, when I run my tank down below the 50 mile mark I can usually only get about 22.5 gallons in, so you certainly have the 33!
kinda jealous. i get 12mpg average with the 5.7, and you have a TRX.. (both prior 5.7 rams i got the same average MPG also)
Probably has to do with me idling with remote start for my 5 minute commute :confused:
that does not seem right...I was getting about 15mpg with my Rebel and about 17mpg with the new Limited. I think getting better with more miles
You definitely have the 33 gallon tank if you got ,26 gallons in it. Also, it's not good to "top off" the tank to try and get more fuel in after the first time it clicks off. You risk overfilling and getting fuel in the vent tube and charcoal canister which will prevent it from venting properly, and is one of the reasons some people have a hard time filling their tanks with fuel.
that does not seem right...I was getting about 15mpg with my Rebel and about 17mpg with the new Limited. I think getting better with more miles
I live less than 2 miles from work, have about a half dozen or so stop signs and 2 stop lights. i barely ever get up above 30mph.
I live less than 2 miles from work, have about a half dozen or so stop signs and 2 stop lights. i barely ever get up above 30mph.
I don't think you are getting correct numbers.

I believe you have 1 or 2 problems
Speedometer is incorrect resulting in your truck seeing the wrong miles driven and thus the incorrect mpg
And or
Your fuel tank is programmed (electronically) to be a 26 gallon tank.

Install Waze on your phone and get on the highway going 74mph or so and see what Waze claims your speed is while staying at 74mph.
Do NOT have your phone connected to your truck for this, turn off bluetooth just in case as it will use the speed the truck think's it's going at.

Depending on your results I would also do this

Invest in getting the app Alfaobd ($50), ODB2 sensor ($20), SWG bypass module ($25) and getting connected to your truck to look at the fuel tank size in the systm and insuring it is set correctly. My system says it is programmed as a 125 liter (I have the 33 gallon tank).
I don't think you are getting correct numbers.

I believe you have 1 or 2 problems
Speedometer is incorrect resulting in your truck seeing the wrong miles driven and thus the incorrect mpg
And or
Your fuel tank is programmed (electronically) to be a 26 gallon tank.

Install Waze on your phone and get on the highway going 74mph or so and see what Waze claims your speed is while staying at 74mph.
Do NOT have your phone connected to your truck for this, turn off bluetooth just in case as it will use the speed the truck think's it's going at.

Depending on your results I would also do this

Invest in getting the app Alfaobd ($50), ODB2 sensor ($20), SWG bypass module ($25) and getting connected to your truck to look at the fuel tank size in the systm and insuring it is set correctly. My system says it is programmed as a 125 liter (I have the 33 gallon tank).
With his commute, and using remote start, it's very possible he is actually getting that fuel mileage.
Is there a known preferred OBD2 sensor and bypass?
Shouldn't really matter.

My OBD2 to BT device is from ebay back in

Looks just like this but a differnet color label

I got this from Amazon for $25, but it's no longer sold there anymore so it's $35 from the manufacturer.

With his commute, and using remote start, it's very possible he is actually getting that fuel mileage.
He also says his truck claims 20 miles left but only accepts 26 gallons of gas. That means there is another 7 gallons sitting there, lets call it only 6.
6 gallons x 12mpg is 72 miles remaining even by the truck's math.
I think he has some parameters off in his truck

I have put 31.5 gallons of gas in my truck before when is was really damn low, I believe it was still counting miles remaining but I don't remember how many it claimed.
I generally put in 27-30 gallons each fill.
Technically, there’s not a “reserve”. It’s more along the lines of “the computer doesn’t calculate the true distance to empty correctly”.

I usually fill up when my tank shows 100 miles to empty. With a 33 gallon tank and getting 11.5 mpg, I should be averaging 24.3 gallons at fill up. But it’s usually a gallon or two less. So I figure it is holding out on me by a couple of gallons.

That, and the DTE calculator is just wonky to begin with. I sometimes drive 20 miles and have a larger DTE than when I started. But sometimes I’ll turn on my truck and find that I lost 50 miles of range overnight.

This exactly - DTE is calculated based on most recent short-term fuel economy - so after cold start it shows really low and as I get on the highway it either stays where it is for 40ish miles or starts going up. Gauge itself also seems to be affected by it.
Shouldn't really matter.

My OBD2 to BT device is from ebay back in

Looks just like this but a differnet color label

I got this from Amazon for $25, but it's no longer sold there anymore so it's $35 from the manufacturer.

He also says his truck claims 20 miles left but only accepts 26 gallons of gas. That means there is another 7 gallons sitting there, lets call it only 6.
6 gallons x 12mpg is 72 miles remaining even by the truck's math.
I think he has some parameters off in his truck

I have put 31.5 gallons of gas in my truck before when is was really damn low, I believe it was still counting miles remaining but I don't remember how many it claimed.
I generally put in 27-30 gallons each fill.
I've ran my 26 gallon tank down and drove about 30 mins after DTE read zero. Still only put 24.5 gallons in the tank. The DTE adjusts based on fuel mileage over the previous 50 miles or so. Which is why you can actually see miles added to your DTE if you start driving easy.
I've ran my 26 gallon tank down and drove about 30 mins after DTE read zero. Still only put 24.5 gallons in the tank. The DTE adjusts based on fuel mileage over the previous 50 miles or so. Which is why you can actually see miles added to your DTE if you start driving easy.
DTE is not going to say you are empty with a quarter tank left.
26 gallons of a 33 gallon tank is over 20% still remaining, not 20 miles.

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