Welp... it looks like I have evidently set out to help ruin the 22.9 day WS to DL average for MA.

I'm at 29 days since WS and she still has no ride to the dealer. (Only 8 days since she hit MA, but has been just sitting there being not enjoyed.)
I feel like this is the worst part of the wait... like when you're waiting for it to get sequenced, its a little mysterious, but you know things are happening in front of it to get it on the line, then from D1 to BS, things are actually happening for the most part. Then from BS to WS you can still pretend things are happening, haha but once you get that WS, man... it doesn't mater if its 5 days or 50 days, you KNOW nothing is happening, and its just sitting there being shat upon by birds... this would all obviously be worse if I also had the wait a lotta peeps had
before it actually goes into production, but I think either way, this part is the most frustrating... because you can't finish the deal til its here, and it's here, but it's still not here. and literally NO ONE can tell you wtf is going on at the VDC, not even the dealer it seems. At least not mine, and he has been good about it, he gives me a screen shot of his dealer connect page every time I ask.
Low key i feel like calling the VDC and saying I'm from the dealer and asking when the next shipment is coming because we're rearranging the lot and we need to know.... which i am sure would not work, hahahaha, but this is where the mind goes. to top it off, my wife just ordered her new Jeep WL 2-row.... another model plagued with delays... and their forums don't have ANYONE like
@triple_B and
@Eighty so this... will be "fun."